gINT and Datgel Toolbox Webinar
Thursday 8 August - 10 AM UTC+8, 12 PM UTC+10, 1 hourRegister
Learn about
gINT - the most flexible and customizable geotechnical data management system.
Datgel Toolbox gINT Add-In, incorporating all Datgel's gINT Tools.
Calculations for in situ tests, CPT, monitoring instrumentation and lab tests.
Automated report production.
100s of predefined reports, including borehole, maps, cross sections, and photos.
Supports AGS 3.1 RTA 1.1, AGS 3.1/3.1(SG), AGS 4.0/4.0 NZ and AGS 4.1.1/4.1.1 AU 1.2 Format Data.
What's new and what's coming in Datgel software.
Datgel's Managing Director, Phil Wade - gINT and Geotechnical Data Management expert.